Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015

Alter Jeans Ciledug

Welcome to Blog Rotsa Jeans, this blog is the official portal ROTSA JEANS located in Pondok Kacang, Ciledug - Tangerang. For those of you who need repair services for your clothes are not fitting, we provide. Good for jeans, cotton, T-shirts, spandex, etc., please come directly to us. 

At our place, we guarantee you will get excellent service, full of friendly hospitality. In addition, we provide services seams are also not arbitrary, both in terms of neat stitches, and the pattern of stitches or alter our pieces within their basic shape of your body, so it is nice and feels comfortable to wear. If you are not satisfied with our service stitches afterwards, we provide a warranty for any services we provide without charge in wear again, or free ... So do not hesitate to alter the affairs of your clothes in ROTSA JEANS.


Here's a Google Map ROTSA JEANS

Image result for logo wranglerImage result for logo levis Strauss

Your satisfaction is our priority


1 komentar:

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